> On Nov 8, 2017, at 7:33 PM, Stuart Hungerford <stuart.hungerf...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> A newbie question about idiomatic Racket code: 
> Suppose I wanted to create several numeric modules that all had their own 
> interpretation of what addition means.  If each of them uses a (provide ... + 
> ...) form, the various "+" exports are going to collide in client modules 
> that (require ...) more than one of them.
> Is it idiomatic Racket usage to prefix the individual "+" functions inside 
> each module like the built-in floating point  modules do (e.g. "fl+") or to 
> assume client modules will use something like (require (rename-in ...)...) or 
> (require (prefix-in ...) ...) to handle any collisions themselves?
> If anyone can point me to example Racket code where this issue has been 
> idiomatically handled that would be very useful.
> This is also a good opportunity to say how impressive the level of 
> documentation and support is in the Racket community. Thanks!
> Stu

prefix-in is the proper way to go if I understand your problem correctly. 
No creator of a ‘server’ module can know all possible names that people
will use to prefix +. fl is good for Felleisen, why not use it to export 
string-append as fl+. 

A client module has complete control over mixing up things. 

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