Re: [racket-users] Re: using vim to play with racket

2017-12-20 Thread Greg Hendershott
> Try giving `eval` a namespace that includes `racket/base`:
> (define ns (make-base-namespace))
> (eval '(+ 1 2) ns)

p.s. If you don't supply the second, namespace argument to `eval`, it
defaults to `(current-namespace)` -- which by default is an empty

So, you can also change the value of the `current-namespace`
parameter, around one or more calls to `eval`:

(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
  (eval '(+ 1 2))
  (eval '(+ 1 41)))

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Re: [racket-users] Re: using vim to play with racket

2017-12-20 Thread Greg Hendershott
> This won't actually work with an argument like "(+ 2 3)", Racket complains
> that
> the '+ is an undefined identifier, but that's a problem on the Racket side
> (I
> don't know that much about Racket yet to be able to do eval magic), not on
> the
> editor side. The RacketEval function is like any other Neovim function,

Instead of `eval` using a default, empty namespace:

(eval '(+ 1 2))

Try giving `eval` a namespace that includes `racket/base`:

(define ns (make-base-namespace))
(eval '(+ 1 2) ns)


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