I'm attempting to use both the radiant-multi-site extension and the
radiant-tags extension. Individually they both work great but when used
together the tags work across all sites.

I am developing two sites for a local charity. They want to be able to
manage both from a single interface and Radiant with the multi-site
extension seems perfect. However, they would like to be able to use tags
on both sites too. But different sets of tags.  At the moment a tag
created on one site shows up in the tag list/cloud of both sites. They
would like each site to have it's own unique tags.

Am I making sense?

Do you have any suggestion as to how I might go about finding a
solution? I'm a novice programmer, new to Ruby/Rails/Radiant, and don't
really know where to start. I would really value any advice or guidance
on how best to try and approach this.

Thanks in advance.
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