dave4c03 wrote:
I can embed variable data into a snippet by referencing a page part.
 However, this does not work well when you call the snippet multiple times
per page and the parameters vary with each call.

I think I need a snippet with parameters.
I see several possible approaches to doing this. It appears there are a
couple of extensions available to do this and I would expect it cold be done
by creating a radius tag for the purpose instead of using a snippet.
 However, I have no idea of how to proceed.

Is there a "best practice" for this?
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There are two extensions that I know of.

The first is Manuel Meurer's Parameterized Snippets Extension:

Manuel's extension was designed to do exactly what you are asking.

The other solution combination of two extensions that I created - Variables, and Conditional Tags:

This is a bit more generic approach. The Variables extension lets you declare variables for use within a page or pass variables to page parts and/or snippets (parameters essentially). The Conditional Tags extension, then allows you to use these variables and perform conditional evaluations on them. Of course the Conditional Tags aren't limited to your variables -- you can also use them with page properties or even build your own evaluators. So it's more of a wider net approach.

Both solutions haven't been updated in some time and may have issues with the new version of radius tags but probably not. I plan on looking into updating my extensions here soon.

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