
We are having some problems with the page_versioning extension and setting the page type to any of the "archive" types. The following error is one that was generated:

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `archive_month_index_page_edit_url' for #<ActionView::Base:0x2aaaae8571f8>) on line #2 of vendor/extensions/page_versioning/app/views/admin/_select_revision.html.haml:
1: - unless element.revisions.empty?
2: - form_tag send("#{element.class.to_s.underscore}_edit_url", element), :method => :get do
3:     #revision
4:       %label{ :for => "revision" } Revision
5:       = insert_select_revision_tag(element)

Is there any way of disabling the versioning extension for archived pages or is this a bug? Does the extension just not work with the archive page types? I can see that they would step on each others toes. It's too bad as we find the versioning extension very useful.


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