If you are logged in to github, you should see a button labelled "fork" when
you visit the home page for a repository. Just hit that button, and github
will create your own fork of the project in question. Once that's done, you
can clone your fork of the repository onto your local machine: click the
link labelled "Your clone URL", and it will show you the code that you
should run on your development machine. Do your work in your local git
repository, and then run `git push` to publish your commits on github.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:15 AM, Nate <pixeln...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It appears as if the subscriber_lists on github is incompatible with
> Radiant 0.8.x and I would like to take a shot at fixing it. However, I have
> never forked a project on github before. What is the process for creating my
> own branch of the extension? Do I create a local branch first, then push it
> to the repo on github? Or do I need to do the setup through github, then
> just clone (or add as a submodule) the repo in my main site?
> Any tips/hits/tricks that y'all could share would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> ~Nate
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