Of course once you email a few dozen people the good ideas start flowing...

Jim gave me the suggestion that some extensions was changing the form
markup.  I pulled all the extensions and ta-da, it worked fine.  I
added them in one-by-one to find the culprit: page-parts.

I am going to try the latest version of page-parts and will report
back if I find anything interesting.

- Jeff

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Jeff Casimir <j...@jumpstartlab.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm struggling with a Javascript issue.  I'm running vendored Radiant
> edge and when I view the page form, I see this:
> http://img.skitch.com/20101108-g75cc923u2kpxh37fk7k1d7tru.png
> Whatever script is supposed to hide upper details interface and
> overlay the tabs isn't working.  Here's the javascript error:
> http://img.skitch.com/20101108-xrtbj6gr443wuju9tfn2t2cfk9.png
> I don't know anything about Prototype, so I'm having trouble debugging.
> I've tried removing all JS files then pulling them back in with "rake
> radiant:update:javascripts" thinking it was some kind of version
> issue, but that didn't get me anywhere.
> Any ideas? I'm desperate! :)
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> ---
> Jeff Casimir
> Jumpstart Lab by Casimir Creative, LLC
> http://jumpstartlab.com
> @jumpstartlab on twitter

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