Re: [Radiant] dreamhost broke my radiant install

2011-09-12 Thread WizarDave Akins
had just another bright idea ugh tried to update to 1.0 rc2 oops now fusion is saying Could not find RubyGem activerecord (= 2.3.0) In the meantime I got a response from tech support. Tyler had got my site working. We must have been working at the same time because now it's no longer working.

Re: [Radiant] dreamhost broke my radiant install

2011-09-11 Thread Paul Noden
On Sep 11, 2011 7:55 PM, WizarDave Akins wrote: Anyone else on dreamhost using radiant? If so, is your site working? Working fine, you're using a vps? Frozen radiant and your gems? Paul