On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 12:52 PM, cody eilar <cody.ei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> P.s. I am not using edge.
> On Feb 12, 4:15 am, William Ross <w...@spanner.org> wrote:
>> On 12 Feb 2011, at 06:36, cody eilar wrote:
>> > Since I couldn't post a reply to the actual thread I am starting a new
>> > one...
>> > Anyways, I am having the same problem as the above title. I am unable
>> > to successfully install and run the radiant-settings extension. I do
>> > the following steps:
>> > sudo gem install radiant-settings-extension
>> > script/extension install settings
>> > script/console production
>> > ------------------>Radiant::Config['roles.settings']='admin'
>> > rake radiant:extensions:settings:update
>> > rake radiant:extensions:settings:migrate
>> > Then when I try to access "Subtites" for example under the
>> > Applications window under Settings, I get an error such as: undefined
>> > method `description' for #<Radiant::Config:0x23a9498>
>> That doesn't sound like 0.9.1. Are you using edge? In that case you don't 
>> need settings: there's a new, extendable configuration panel built in.
>> best,
>> will

The SettingsExtension adds a "description" field to the settings
table. If the settings migration isn't running, it's possible that
there is a record of that migration in your schema_migrations table.
If you delete the corresponding row from there (something like
"Settings-003"), you should be able to migrate and add the description

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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