Hi Ethan (you started it),

So, in your controller, you find a page and finally call page.render, or..? 
If it's done that way, tag.locals.page should start off as that page. 
tag.locals.page may and probably will change during the rendering, but 
tag.globals.page should always be the actual page that is being rendered.

I assume you are using 
I have a gut feeling that looking 
If you would rename those to use 'path' i.o. 'url' (and ideally alias the 
url methods to the path ones), your problem might be fixed.

If not, it would help to have some actual code to look at.


Op dinsdag 9 oktober 2012 15:52:21 UTC+2 schreef saalon het volgende:
> Brian,
> Thank you for the response. The extension is loading last, thank you for 
> verifying that. And I did move all of the routes to config/routes.rb.
> The routes themselves are actually working correctly, and the rest of the 
> page is fine. The only thing (so far) that's off is the page the radius 
> tags are receiving as the context in tag.globals/locals.page.
> The curious thing is that we never did anything to set that context 
> previously. It had just worked. I'm  not certain how this used to work - if 
> doing a find on a page simply set that page as the context - and if that's 
> still how it's expected to work but isn't, or if something changed. Any 
> idea how a page ends up in tag.globals.page?
> Eric
> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 9:33:49 AM UTC-4, Benny Degezelle wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Somewhat stabbing in the dark here, but my first guess would be this is a 
>> load order issue.
>> At some point after 0.8, the default extension load order was reversed.
>> Open config/environment.rb, you should find 'config.extensions = [..]' in 
>> there. Try setting your custom extension last in there.
>> Also, in your custom extension, are your routes defined in 
>> config/routes.rb yet? 
>> Op maandag 8 oktober 2012 20:36:23 UTC+2 schreef saalon het volgende:
>>> Hey, all!
>>> I'm having a tricky problem since our upgrade from Radiant .8 to 1.* 
>>> that is particular to the extension we built, I'm certain, but I'm hoping 
>>> someone cna provide some context about the best direction to go.
>>> One of the things our extension does is define some routes for one of 
>>> our custom page types. We don't want to have Radiant render the page 
>>> because we do a lot of very custom stuff in the layout, but we use the page 
>>> for all the data. So, essentially, someone goes to /production/32178 and we 
>>> do a find_by_slug for that page and use it in the view.
>>> The problem: We'd been using the now deprecated r:meta:keyword and 
>>> r:meta:description tags in the layout to set the meta description and 
>>> keywords. When they stopped working, I looked into it expecting it to be 
>>> part of the deprecation, but something else is going on. Essentially, the 
>>> page that the tag has in its context in tag.globals and tag.locals is not 
>>> the ProductionPage we're using, but a RailsPage. It appears that 
>>> previously, whatever was happening previously resulted in setting the 
>>> ProductionPage we did the find_by_slug on in the controller as the 
>>> tag.globals.page. Now that's no longer happening.
>>> Is there a way to override within our controller what ends up in the 
>>> tag.globals.page (or tag.locals.page) variable? I tried setting a @page 
>>> instance variable as a test, but that did nothing. Any insights into how to 
>>> proceed would be appreciated.
>>> Eric

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