
I am also a new user of Radiant.  I now have it up and running for my
website http://www.gilfachequiation.co.uk.

I have used Radiant 0.9, extended with paperclipped for the images and
reorder for getting the buttons in the order I want.  I have also
installed fckeditor.  I would prefer to use Tiny MCE but I have not
been able to get it to work with paperclipped.

My website is hosted on a Joyent shared hosting server.

I can say that I am very pleased with Radiant because it does exactly
what I want in an easily understandable way.  However, I have also to
say that it has been a nightmare to get it up and running.  Endless
problems with Gem versions, things not working and the Joyent
instructions not being quite spot on.

MediaMaid looked really cool - but I couldn't get it to work.
Paperclipped uploader is a really good idea, but the button doesn't
appear so you have to figure out the URL.  Tiny MCE extension would be
nice, but I have spent fruitless time on it.

One thing I would say to a new user of Radiant: beware of which
environment you are installing your extensions to!


Hugh Macmillan

On Aug 28, 8:58 pm, Mike <mber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm new to Radiant and want to use it on a simple project I'm doing
> for one of my brothers, a graphic designer. The site is approximately
> 5 pages (Home, About, Design, etc..).  Each of the pages will have a
> bit of text that should be editable.  The home page will have a brief
> 6 image gallery of his best work while both the photography and design
> pages will include more in depth portfolios.
> Essentially, since I'm new to Radiant, I'd like to get a head start by
> learning which extensions and systems of thought would work best for
> such a project.  Once the site is done, my brother will be managing
> the upkeep of content.
> Pointers to good extensions for: galleries, photo upload, code
> editing, etc would be greatly appreciated.
> I'm a programmer and am very fond of writing my code in a rich
> environment with syntax highlighting and other helps.  It's going to
> be a bit of a stretch to just use white and black, so if any of you
> have found a better way, let me know.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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