Thanks Jim!

Since there appears to be some semblance of organization for this

When all the Wiki articles say install this Extension like a "normal
extension", which have migrate and update tasks, and the Extension
itself informs one to install this Extension like all other
extensions, and then the extension fails to follow the pattern of a
normal extension install, the trust level that all this extension
business works goes down the tubes, and that is too bad. A simple
sentence informing that there is no need to run any tasks would

I found the search code reminiscent of the Spree approach, easily
hacked into whatever other search forms as needed and that is nice.

Personally, I guess I would've coded up stubs for the missing tasks,
so that n00bs to the code like me don't get frustrated with the
business of install when following the install docs.

Thanks for the code, hopefully I can make it run well, and then share
my experiences with the community by blogging on any customization or
improvements I can make.

On Sep 8, 3:53 pm, Mario Zigliotto <> wrote:
> Jim,
> I believe you said something similar a few years ago lol
> :)
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Jim Gay <> wrote:
> > I haven't looked at this extension in a while, but the deprecation
> > warnings shouldn't affect it.
> > Have you tried using it?
> > The reason I ask is because the error you mention "Don't know how to
> > build task 'radiant:extensions:search:update'" means that there is no
> > rake task of that name. Meaning, you ran a command that doesn't exist.
> > I don't believe there are any migrations for it either.
> > Just jump in and try using it!
> > On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Dave <> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I have a working version of Radiant 1.0.0.rc2 on my system. I am
> > > running it under REE-1.8.7 and it works on my localhost and Heroku.
> > > I need to provide search. I looked up the Search Extension in the
> > > Extensions and went through the rigamarole of getting the code for it.
> > > Eventually I was able to untar and decompress the code into /vendor/
> > > extensions.
> > > I renamed the directory created as search.
> > > I went to run rake:extensions:search:migrate
> > > After blasting off 10 pages of deprecations about all the stuff that
> > > will soon not be working in the gem... migrations did nothing? Hmmm...
> > > OK.. whatever...
> > > I then ran rake:extensions:search:update and was met with another 10
> > > pages of deprecation notices... and the kicker...
> > > rake aborted!
> > > Don't know how to build task 'radiant:extensions:search:update'
> > > Phew... this is encouraging. Could someone kindly point out the best
> > > way to install this extension. It is very important that the Radiant
> > > site be able to provide a search for content.
> > > Any tips most appreciated!!
> > > Thanks
> > --
> > Jim Gay
> > Saturn Flyer LLC
> >
> > 571-403-0338

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