I am working with deploying Radiant now and I am also curious in this area. I noticed in the extension registry a capistrano extension aimed at updating assets etc. that might be an answer. I would appreciate suggestions re deployment. I am concerned about workflow since I want to develop my sass stylesheets and javascript stuff off line and then find a quick way to update them in the database.

It seem to me that there are two issues - Deploying Radiant to begin with which is the same as any other rails app - and then upgrading content styles etc that is held in the database

I would be glad for suggestion on either



On , Michael Stalker <mstal...@churchinitiative.org> wrote:
It seems like some people are gemifying their Radiant extensions, but

it's not clear to me what is the best way to run their migrations and

asset updates. Is there a standard way to handle that? I could install

the extension, run the migrations and updates, uninstall the

extension, and then use the gem. That process seems a bit long,


I've looked through the group archives and Googled a bit, but what are

your suggestions?

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