On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Diann S. <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Diann S. wrote in post #956424:
>> Jim Gay wrote in post #956414:
>>> I just added docs for this, but set
>>> Radiant::Config['comments.auto_approve'] = false
>>> and you'll need to approve each one. I'd like to make the standard
>>> spam-blocking a bit more robust in the future.
>> =====
>> Thank you Jim.
>> Where do I put this code?
> Tried putting it on the "Settings" page..but....tsk.
> --

Sorry, Diane. I don't mean to be cryptic.

If you have the Setting extension installed, you can create a new
setting for "comments.auto_approve" but it sounds like you don't have

You'll need to put this in your config/environment.rb and redeploy the
Take a look at http://github.com/radiant/radiant/wiki/customizing-the-admin-ui

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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