Re: [Radiant] dreamhost broke my radiant install

2011-09-12 Thread WizarDave Akins
had just another bright idea ugh

tried to update to 1.0 rc2

oops now fusion is saying
Could not find RubyGem activerecord (= 2.3.0)

In the meantime I got a response from tech support.
Tyler had got my site working.
We must have been working at the same time because now it's no longer
OOPS what's the odds?

tyler's response

Your VPS was upgraded to Debian Squeeze newer versions of certain
gems/Passenger related file could have casues this error to occur.

I was able to get your site working by adding the following line to your


/tyler's response

God Bless
WizarDave Akins
Webmaster Just Another Bright Idea

Re: [Radiant] dreamhost broke my radiant install

2011-09-11 Thread Paul Noden
On Sep 11, 2011 7:55 PM, WizarDave Akins wrote:
 Anyone else on dreamhost using radiant?
 If so, is your site working?

Working fine, you're using a vps? Frozen radiant and your gems?
