
In our passwd logfile we get:

Sat Jul 10 21:50:47 1999:931636247:nils:{EFQ^Ledx:nils:FAIL
Sat Jul 10 21:52:16 1999:931636336:nils:yB|H4hHK{:nils:FAIL
Sat Jul 10 21:52:59 1999:931636379:nils:8P{T[+R:q:nils:FAIL
Sat Jul 10 21:53:49 1999:931636429:nils:w<AHf2F`0:nils:FAIL
(in this case we are using a 'simple.cfg' with a user ''nils'' who has his
name as password. Set as plain text password in the users file)

We're using Radiator 2.13.1 with the latest patches applied, running on
a Linux system, and receiving the requests from a proxy-radius server.

The secrets between the proxy-radius and ours seem to be okay, but somehow
this (imho) newbie problem keeps occuring.

I've checked the docs, the FAQs etc for options on setting crypting or
other coding on the received password, but I can't find anything.

If it were for the configfile I created using the docs, i would find it
strange.. but this is generated with the _simple.cfg_ provided in the
tarbal of radiator.. ;(

Could this be an error in some kind of crypt library ? (note: the users
entry uses a plain text password entry. Note2: authenticating from another
radius capable device (cisco 25xx) worked like a charm, but i had a
situation that this weird crypto code also came by using the Cisco 25xx)

Thanks in advance !

Btw: our login to open.au.com is 'thrijs'

        Nils Swart      - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        TH Rijswijk     - System Administrator

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