Hello Mariano -

I think I may have mentioned in my previous message that we implemented 
something like this some time ago for one of our customers who is using SQL.

We are always available to do custom development work on a contract basis, so 
if you would like to pursue this idea please contact Joanne for details.

The reason something like this is not in the distribution is because each 
case is so different, and we have not been able to design a "generic" 

We will need a detailed specification so we can prepare an estimate if you do 
decide to have us do this work.



On Wednesday 07 March 2001 04:17, Mariano Absatz wrote:

> > Hi,
> I know this is not your average user request but...
> We are configuring the scenario described in the attached message that I
> sent to the list about a month ago...
> I am implementing most of Hugh's suggestions to that message.
> I have an LDAP structure like this:
> o=our organization
> +--ou=radiusWholesale
> |   +--o=customer1 (customer1 data, including radius servers and secrets)
> |
> |   |  +--uid=profile1 (customer1, profile1 data, including port limits)
> |   |
> |   |  +--uid=profile2 (customer1, profile2 data, including port limits)
> |
> |   +--o=customer2 (customer2 data, including radius servers and secrets)
> |
> |   |  +--uid=profile1 (customer2, profile1 data, including port limits)
> |   |
> |   |  +--uid=profile2 (customer2, profile2 data, including port limits)
> |   |
> |   |  +--uid=profile3 (customer2, profile3 data, including port limits)
> .... ...
> |   +--o=customerN (customerN data, including radius servers and secrets)
> |
> |      +--uid=profile1 (customerN, profile1 data, including port limits)
> |
> |      +--uid=profile2 (customerN, profile2 data, including port limits)
> +--ou=otherStuffNonRelatedToThis...
> ....
> For now on, I have a few "radius wholesale" customers, so I am
> configuring the handlers by hand. I decide who is the wholesale customer
> based on the realm of the request. This realm is part of the CustomerX
> data entry in the LDAP tree.
> It would be nice to be able to define the <Handler>'s dinamically from
> the LDAP tree, so, adding a new customer is as simple as adding the
> corresponding subtree to the LDAP including the realm... I wouldn't care
> reloading Radiator in order to do this ;-), but it would be great not
> having to [copy, paste, edit] an old <Handler> and then reloading.
> What about something like this maybe for Radiator 3.0? (or 9.3?) :-)
> --
> Mariano Absatz
> El Baby

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