Hello Damir,

thanks for this. I can tell you have put a lot of effort into finding this 

We have rolled your code into the next release, but under the control of a 
new global parameter ForkClosesFDs which by default is off. If it does not 
break anyone, we will default it to on.


On Wed, 5 Dec 2001 11:07, Damir Dzeko wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> I had a strange and hard to trace problem with Radiator server
> that was connected to Oracle database (for maintaining session
> database and accounting) and had a handler (for IPASS requests)
> that would fork.
> Every time the server forked our radiusd would lose it's connection
> to database. That resulted in errors like:
>    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
>         (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)
> in the middle of a query execution. The problem was hard to trace
> because the reason for failure was not in the broken query but
> somewhere else.
> After many hours of work I discovered that closing a few file
> descriptors just after the daemon forked a child (in the child
> process) would prevent it from happening.
> Here are those few lines of code that do the job for me:
>     use IO::Handle;
> in file radiusd.pl, sub safeFork:
>     elsif (defined $pid)
>     {
>       # Child.
>       # <ddzeko>
>       #
>       # close kid's file descriptors ;>>>
>       # (this will teach the kid to stay out of
>       # parent's database business)
>       #
>       if (1) {
>       my ($io) = new IO::Handle;
>       for (my $i = 3; $i < 20; $i++) {
>         $io->fdopen($i, 'r') && $io->close;
>       }
>       }
>       # </ddzeko>
>       return 1;
>     }
> Greetings,
> --damir;

I am travelling at the moment, and there may be delays in our correspondence.
Mike McCauley, Open System Consultants, [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.open.com.au
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