> Behalf Of Clement
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 8:12 PM
> Subject: (RADIATOR) Routing a subnet
> Hi,
> I need to route a customer subnet when he logs in.  Can you give me a
> hand?  Here is the environment.
> RAS           Bay Networks 5399
> Requirement   When a user logs in, add a route to the 5399 on
> which the
> user is connected.
> Since the user may log in any one of the 5399's in the same rotary
> group, the route must be added dynamically.  Your help is much
> appreciated.
> Regards
> Clement
> ANS Communications Pty Ltd

Hi Clement,

In your radius reply attributes include :
        Framed-IP-Address = <an IP for the other end (to use as a gateway)>
        Framed-Route = "<some-netblock> <the same IP from Framed-IP-Address>
        Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen

If your not seeing the Framed-IP-Address route propogated but your are
seeing the Framed-Route then disable proxy arp in the 5399 port settings.
(Rip wont advertise 'Fixed' routes (ie annex IP addresses) if proxy arp
is enabled).  Ofcourse RIP has to be enabled to start with.....


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