
Lessons in Practical Philosophy #2

It is necessary to make additional comments about the theme of philosophy and 

It had not occurred to me that a Leftist could so totally misconstrue my 
comments that he

would somehow jump to the absurd conclusion that all of my condemnations of  

for the past approximately 40 years are suddenly thrown out of the window 
because I did

not explicitly condemn them again in a new paper.   It is especially galling 

in  this case, the liberal in question makes a claim to being "Christian."

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I do not intend to 
allow this

to happen twice.

The literature on the subject of Christian views of homosexuality is replete 
with any number

of examples of Christians who are reluctant to as much as discuss this sordid 

out of feelings of sensitivity to others and disgust at even thinking about it. 
 Among the

believers who made note of this phenomena was Immanuel Kant, himself a 

even if one who was, we might say, overly formal about a lot of things, not just

issues concerning sexuality.

Kant, by the way, was uncompromising in his condemnations of  homosexuality.

In any case, whether anyone chooses to take me at my word  or not, I admit to

having an attitudue that isn't all that different than many other Christians.

I detest the need to say anything at all on the issue of homosexuality, it is 
utterly sickening

to think about,  much less anything else, and, in addition to my feelings of 

it poisons conversation and may cause others pain.  Like being reminded that a

deadly disease exists in one's community. or that a serial killer is on the 

in your home town.

This is not how Leftists view the world, however. For these cretins, and that 
is what they are,

people with small  minds, people who can't tell moral right apart from horrible 

homosexuality is just another 'lifestyle' with no moral content and about which,

despite a plethora of evidence, they claim that there are no differences in 
life outcomes

speaking of rates of infection from a laundry list of sexually transmitted 

to rates of pedophilia, violence, substance abuse, alcoholism, and you-name-it.

For these cretins, any attempt to be civil is regarded  -by them-  as your 

to their agenda. Which is ludicrous.

To lay this particular false notion to rest. let me be explicit and say again 
what I have said

many times in the past:

As soon as I have a public platform to use at my discretion, among the very 
first things

I intend  to do is launch an all out war against sodomy and sodomites,

"War." This is spelled W-A-R.  Not with guns or bombs, but war nonetheless...

On many grounds, including those provided by Sigmund Freud in this Introductory

Lectures or Psychoanalysis where he characterized homosexuals as "perverts" who

suffer from what we would call a mental illness or defect.  It is necessary to 
point this out

because Leftists also take the view -which is an abuse of Freud's logic and his 
system of ideas-

that anyone who is critical of sodomy must be have secret desires for such 
behavior and

that they are repressing these desires.  This sort of thing is ridiculous on 
its face

because, if that interpretation was correct, then Freud would be condemning 

It may be that he wrote a sympathetic letter to an aggrieved mother of a pervert

as a sop to her feelings, but Freud's published position could not be more 

Homosexuals are clinically -psychologically-  sick.

And since when is disgust at something translate into desire for the object of 

Lemmie see, you are disgusted at pederasty, you fear for the safety of your 
young son,

therefore, you secretly desire that your son should be sexually abused by 

O, yeah?

As for Christmas,  my suggestion assumed total exclusion of homosexuals from

any and all ideas expressed in my essay.   Christmas is, above all, a 

holiday. Homosexuals are enemies of all normal families  -plus the enemies of 

normal people generally.  Homosexuals are clinically heterophobic and seek to

destroy the family and destroy religion, destroy cherished traditions,

and destroy the lives of people they come in contact with.

There is no excuse at all for toleration of homosexuals or of homosexuality.

Until ca 1975, with the transition to full criticism taking a couple of years 

let us say, 1977 or thereabouts, I had little to say on the issue.  In any case,

to understate the matter, it had close to zero interest for me. Except to say

that even then I regarded it as some sort of sick joke, as absurd, and stupid.

My attitude toward boys involved in this sort of thing was negative in every way

as so many warped defectives deserving no respect whatsoever.  And my reaction 

homosexual interest in boys was similarly negative. What kind of fool

has an interest in boys except someone who is brain damaged?

My view of homosexuality since 1975 and especially after 1976 or 1977,

has been uncompromisingly negative and vehement. And with good reason-

Left wingers see nothing wrong in perpetrating smears against others, especially

if those smears are made against critics of Leftist values.  This being the 
case, hell,

I may as well exploit such liberty and tell one and all that I have it on good 

that "Rev Dale Brown" gets his kicks by having he read end ramrodded and that

he has an irresistible  longing for young boys.  He also performs fellatio on

some of his male parishioners and likes to spend an hour each day jerking off.

All of which he approves and sees nothing wrong in doing.

I mean, I really hate to talk about this sort of thing but I think it is called 

in various cases and, like the Apostle Paul in the first chapter of Romans,

I will spell it all out in graphic detail if a situation calls for it  -and in 
language that is

very similar to that of the Apostle. Do you want me to quote verbatim, Romans 
1: 26-32,

and tell you that homosexuals are, to simplify the text, repulsive moral 

deserving the death penalty?

So much for my attempt a civility.  Leftists are what they are, mental 

At which, so I presume, some Right-wing zealot will rush up and congratulate

me on my conversion to Right-wing lunacy.  In either case, my comments

are hopelessly misconstrued.  I am not a Leftist in any way nor am I am

Rightist in any way. I am a Radical Centrist and hate ( HATE )  both the

political Left and the political Right.  As things are at the moment,

the Left is far worse, but give the Right some time,  maybe a few years,

and the situation may become just as bad on the Right.

The entire political establishment , both Right and Left,  needs to be 

and replaced. This view is intrinsic to the kind of Radical Centrism that I 
call my own,

which is quite different than the "soft Radical Centrism" of  The Atlantic 

and the New America Foundation.  My hero in this context is Teddy Roosevelt

-or, perchance, someone like George S. Patton.  The idea is to defeat my enemies

and destroy their capacity to spread lies, to poison minds, or to as much as 

that that have any mortal standing at all.

Granted that there are times when "moderation" is the best policy.  However,

I prefer to leave moderation to others.  I prefer to be Radical as a Centrist,

hard hitting, bold, candid, etc, all of it based on as thorough research

that supports my conclusions as possible.

That is, unlike Rev Dale Brown, who has nothing but contempt for the

First Amendment, I regard it as essential to all of our freedoms as Americans.

I have no plans to be civil  again toward Rev. Dale Brown any time soon, that's 
for sure.

He can take his insults and shove them even if, in his sick and twisted mind,

he wasn't being sick at all and was merely passing along smears that originated

with someone else.

As for CTV, which telecasts relevant church services, I almost always am highly 

about what I  watch, usually it is episodic, when I need a break from my work   
-which happens

at no set time, whenever that may be.  The only CTV show I have ever watched on 

like a regular schedule was the Video Map program that used to air on the 

until some worthy at the station decided that this very educational show which, 

a self generated program had good production values and an uplifting message,

wasn't worthy of continuation.

There is a lot  -really a lot- that could be done with the Video Map concept,

including a takeoff that has a Radical Centrist theme, but that is for another 

Billy R.

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