Make a serious case for capitalism, or millennials will keep flirting with 
Tom Krattenmaker, Opinion columnist Published 3:15 a.m. ET April 9, 2019
Capitalism is making the rich richer and the powerful more powerful, and it 
helped create the climate crisis. It's not socialist to want to fix this.

Whatever we think of the Green New Deal, Medicare for All and other “socialist” 
ideas from the Democratic Party’s Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing, 
there’s a new reality in town and we’d better get used to it.

It’s no longer a given that anything labeled “socialist” will be immediately 
rejected as the next of kin to communism and the Soviet Union. As voters in 
their 20s or 30s might respond, Soviet so what?

Capitalism’s defenders are going to have to make an actual case for capitalism 
— and make capitalism better while they’re at it.

Over the past decade, there has been a steep decline in the percentage of 
Americans who see a free-market 
 as the optimal way to organize economic life, from 80% to 60%. A 2016 poll 
found that only  42% of 
 support capitalism.

As Ezra Klein writes in Vox, “In American politics, and particularly in the 
Democratic Party, the primacy of 
 is, for the first time in ages, an open question.”

And why wouldn’t it be?

If you grew up in the greed-is-good ‘80s or before and find the polling numbers 
shocking, place yourself in young adults’ shoes for a minute and think about 
how things look from their vantage point.

You’ll see an economic and social system that is making the rich richer and the 
powerful more powerful while leaving the rest to struggle against ever higher 
obstacles. Yes, unemployment is low. But many toil in poorly paid jobs that 
barely keep them fed, clothed and sheltered. Even a home is beyond the means of 
 some working 

Eight hours 
 eight hours recreation, eight hours rest — this was a battle cry of the labor 
movement in its early years. If only. For many Americans today, the breakdown 
is more like 10-12 hours labor, two hours commuting, three or four hours of 
parenting and a TV show, then six or seven hours of sleep. Thank goodness for 

The scarlet letter is 'S' for socialism

Then there’s the climate issue.

“Climate change is pressing hard on everyone, but especially the younger 
generation,” said Martin Hägglund, a Yale professor and author of the new book 
"This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual 
 which includes an unsparing critique of capitalism. “They are the ones who 
will live long enough to experience the worst effects of climate change.”

With his book, Hägglund told me, he hopes to help people seize this moment of 
discontent with capitalism and ask some fundamental questions: How should we 
live and work together? What are the optimal ways we can organize society to 
enhance freedom and well-being — and avoid scorching the planet?

makeover<>not the 

Those are conversation stoppers, not real arguments, and unconvincing at that. 
For one, more and more people gladly wear the label. Sticks and stones might 
break their bones, but calling them socialist will never hurt them. Two, 
dismissing a serious policy idea as “socialist” without explaining how, and 
what you mean exactly, does not even remotely resemble the kind of serious 
debate we need to have with society at a crucial inflection point.

Make a case for repairing capitalism

a tactic that takes us back to the darkest days of the '50s when you could use 
the word 'socialist' to kill somebody's career, or to kill an idea. But that 
trick has been tried so many times that I think it's losing all 

Opponents of progressive politicians and proposals might think they can get by 
with their lazy reliance on playing the “socialist” card. It won’t work. They 
will have to get specific if they aim to do more than rile up their 
already-riled-up conservative base: How are the progressive plans deficient? 
How is their own approach better?

If you are going to invoke capitalism’s superiority, you’re going to have to 
account for some of the ways it has been falling down on the job: its role in 
climate change<>, for 
instance, and the reality of new generations finding the system failing them. 
No, you can’t blame the latter on the up-and-comers being lazy. Because they’re 


A case for capitalism can certainly be made. Some of those making it are 
Democratic presidential contenders, Buttigieg and Sen. Elizabeth Warren among 
them. They are worth listening to because they are talking not only about 
capitalism’s selling points but also about the flaws and excesses in the 
system, and how these can be tempered for the sake of a capitalism that serves 
more people better.

Capitalism has worked wonders as a means of raising standards of living around 
the world. But there are cracks in its facade, and its champions are going to 
have to repair them, not paper them over. Conjuring the Red Menace is not 

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