“ This is a different starting point from the one underlying mainstream 
economics. The discipline of economics is based on classical physics, i.e. the 
inanimate world. Evolution, by contrast, is appropriate to the animate world. 
Not a bad point of departure for economics. After all, humans are living 
creatures. If we choose this path, economics will be reaching its Darwinian – 
not Copernican – Moment.”

Evolutionary economics may not be the full answer — but it is a good start.


Why Behavioral Economics Can't Fix a Broken Discipline - Evonomics
(via Instapaper)

>From the editor: In partnership with ThisViewofLife.com, join us as some of 
>the leading thinkers in economics and evolutionary biology offer their advice 
>to an aspiring economist. In the process, they illuminate the flaws in 
>existing economic theory and demonstrate how evolutionary science can enhance 
>our understanding of economic behavior. View the full series.

This is probably the most exciting and fruitful time ever to become an aspiring 
economist. Why? Because economics is reaching its Copernican Moment – the 
moment when it is finally becoming clear that the current ways of thinking 
about economic behavior are inadequate and a new way of thinking enables us to 
make much better sense of our world. It is a moment fraught with danger, 
because those in power still adhere to the traditional conventional wisdom and 
heresy is suppressed.

Up to the 16th century, the conventional wisdom on astronomy conformed to 
Aristotle’s cosmology and Ptolemy’s astronomy. In Aristotle’s system, the earth 
is the center of the universe and the heavenly bodies are part of spherical 
shells of aether. These shells fit around one another in a clear order: Moon, 
Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the fixed stars. All these 
spheres are put in motion by the Prime Mover. By the 16th century, Ptolemy’s 
astronomy was regarded as in accord with the conventional reading of the Bible, 
the ultimate source of all knowledge.

Ptolemy’s system encountered endless difficulties in accounting for the 
empirical evidence, which were addressed through the repeated application of 
geometric “fixes” (eccentrics, epicycles, and equants). The underlying 
methodological requirement was to retain the Aristotelian system as the 
foundation for our understanding of the universe and then to depict each “fix” 
as a divergence from this accepted foundation. Thus, to be taken seriously as 
an astronomer, it was necessary to master the Aristotelian and Ptolemaic 
systems and to develop superstructures on them. Copernicus did not follow this 
intellectual path, but he did not dare to publish his heliocentric theory until 
the year of his death, in 1543. In 1632 Galileo published a book supporting 
Copernicus’ heliocentric theory, was summoned before the Inquisition, and 
recanted. The Church had the hard power of the Inquisition and the soft power 
of scholastic theology on its side.

In the academic discipline of economics, we are currently experiencing a tame 
analogue to these first throes of the scientific revolution. The punishment for 
heresy is not execution, but intellectual oblivion.

Current Foundations of Economic Thought

The entire ecosystem of economics — the textbooks, the dominant journals, the 
places of higher learning, the prestigious conferences, the promising pathways 
to professional success, and the news media — is singing from the same song 
sheet, namely, the basic axioms of neoclassical and behavioral economics. The 
most important of these axioms are the following:


• Individuals are the only units of functional organization relevant for 
economic decisions. The economic activities of social and political groups are 
merely the sum of their members’ activities. Thus individuals are the only unit 
of selection, i.e. the success of an individual depends only on the 
characteristics of that individual. Methodologically, we have the claim that 
social phenomena must be explained by individual actions, which in turn must be 
explained by the decisions of individuals. This is the doctrine of 
methodological individualism.

• In neoclassical economics, consumption is the ultimate source of wellbeing. 
In other words, the “utility” of individuals depends, either directly or 
indirectly, on what they themselves consume. In behavioral economics, this 
axiom has been relaxed to allow for “social preferences,” whereby an 
individual’s utility may depend on the consumption of others.

• Individuals are “rational actors.” This means that each individual’s 
decisions can be explained in terms of maximizing utility subject to 
constraints (such as a budget constraint).

• This utility can be represented by a preference function which is complete 
(it covers all the individual’s objects of choice) and transitive (if A is 
preferred to B and B is preferred to C, then A must be preferred to C). The 
individual’s choices “reveal” her preferences, which implies that the 
preference function must be temporally stable at least for long enough for such 
preference revelation to take place. Behavioral economics relaxes this axiom to 
allow for preferences that depend on reference points (such as the status quo), 
loss aversion (more weight given to losses than gains) and differences between 
experienced utility (the source of wellbeing) and decision utility (the 
objective of decision making).


• An economic market can be understood in terms of the demand for and the 
supply of goods in that market, which depend on the prices of these goods. In 
“perfect” markets (characterized by perfect information, perfect competition 
and no externalities), the price adjusts to equate demand and supply.

• Once this adjustment has taken place, the market is in “equilibrium,” which 
means that there is no tendency for any further change.

• Under “market imperfections” (imperfect information, imperfect competition, 
and externalities), markets may tend towards an equilibrium in which they do 
not clear. In such an equilibrium, for example, labor supply may permanently 
exceed labor demand.

• When all markets have reached their equilibrium, then the economy is in a 
state of “general equilibrium,” in which the entire economy experiences no 
further change.

• Macroeconomic activities can generally be understood as aggregates of market 
activities in the general equilibrium.


• Individuals understand their environment imperfectly. Rational agents obey 
the axioms of probability. This means that they know the set of all possible 
events; they can assign a probability to each event; every event has a 
probability of at least zero; the probability of all events is 100%; and if the 
events are unrelated, then the probability that either of the events happens is 
equal to the sum of the probabilities that each event happens.

• Economic events can be understood through the application of econometrics 
(i.e. statistical theory, based on probability theory).

A major implication of these axioms is that under “perfect” market conditions, 
the general equilibrium is efficient, so that no one can be made better off 
without making someone else worse off. This is the basis for understanding Adam 
Smith’s Invisible Hand, whereby the selfish activities of uncoordinated market 
participants serves the public interest. It is also considered the basis for 
understanding why the capitalist system has been so successful in delivering 
high and growing living standards.

Unless you accept these basic axioms and the Invisible Hand implication, you 
will not be taken seriously as an economist. This is important, since economics 
is particularly influential among policy makers, economic commentators and the 
general public — far more influential than the other social sciences.

Fixes That Fail

Thus, economists tend to accept the neoclassical economic system (comprising 
these axioms with regard to perfect markets) as the foundation for their 
understanding of the economic universe. They then explain each discrepancy 
between the predictions of this system and their empirical observations in 
terms of a “fix,” to be understood as a divergence from the accepted foundation.

They recognize that the axioms above are often not in accord with the empirical 
evidence. In fact, behavioral economics began as a compendium of “anomalies” 
that the neoclassical system could not explain. Some of these anomalies have 
been addressed by behavioral theories such as prospect theory or social 
preference theory, but many have not. Different theories explain different 
anomalies; there is no overarching theory to explain them all.

And since behavioral economics is devoted primarily to individual fixes, it has 
retained many of the basic axioms above, such as methodological individualism, 
consumption as central for wellbeing, understanding economic events in terms of 
probability theory and the tendency toward equilibrium. However, these axioms 
are also open to question.

Regarding methodological individualism, who says that the individual is the 
only level of selection? After all, Homo Sapiens owe their evolutionary success 
largely to their ability to cooperate with one another, in larger number than 
other mammals.

Regarding consumption as central to wellbeing, who says that our material 
appetitive needs dwarf our social needs, such as the need to care and be cared 
for, or the need to belong to a community, or the need to shape your fate 
through your own efforts?

Regarding our ability to understand economic events in terms of probability 
theory, who says that we can imagine all conceivable future states of the world 
and that we can assign probabilities to each of them? After all, many of the 
most important events that young people look forward to in the future — whom 
they will marry, where they will live, what jobs they will get, how much they 
will earn, what their state of health will be, when they will retire, how long 
they will live — are simply unknown unknowns.

Not only has the neoclassical system encountered endless discrepancies between 
predictions and evidence and thus has accumulated endless fixes, but it also 
has had little success in addressing the great economic questions of our time. 
For example: If the free-market system is meant to satisfy our needs 
efficiently, why is it despoiling our environment? Why is it generating 
inequalities and other inequities that threaten the social cohesion of our 
societies? Why does it leave so many people economically insecure, vulnerable 
to unemployment and trapped in dead-end jobs? Why does it not correct for the 
excesses of consumerism, workaholism and digital addictions, frequently leading 
to anxiety, depression, burnout, substance abuse and crime? Why is it giving us 
so little guidance in promoting public compliance with social distancing rules 
during the Covid-19 pandemic, even though such compliance has economic causes 
and consequences? Why does it keep so many businesses focused on short-term 
profit and shareholder value, even though so many business leaders are 
genuinely concerned about the environment and the wellbeing of their customers 
and employees?

Responses to Failed Fixes

To these great questions, mainstream economists (those whose economic knowledge 
is taken seriously) give one of two standard answers: (1) These questions may 
be important, but the answers lie outside the domain of economics. For 
environmental problems, turn to the life sciences; for social problems, turn to 
sociology and anthropology; for psychological problems, turn to psychology; for 
crime, turn to law; and so on. (2) Economics can deal with these questions 
through its standard policy toolbox: taxes and subsidies, government 
regulations, quotas, remuneration schemes and other instruments that provide 
monetary incentives for some behaviors and forbid others.

In the course of my policy and business advisory activities — supporting the 
G20 Presidencies through my leadership of the Global Solutions Initiative, 
advising international organizations and national governments with regard to 
labor, welfare and macroeconomic policy, and working with business leaders to 
address global economic problems — I have recognized a profound change in the 
way practitioners view mainstream economics. Economists used to be the high 
priests of public policy and business strategy, playing a leading role in the 
formulation of pricing policies, incentive schemes, contract design, monetary 
and fiscal policies, social and health policies, and much more. Mainstream 
economics promulgated a simple narrative on the division of responsibilities — 
a narrative that appeared to suit everyone well in today’s capitalist 
economies: The purpose of business was to make profit; the purpose of consumers 
was to satisfy their selfish material desires; and the purpose of government 
was to devise rules that enabled the businesses in the free-market system to 
the satisfy the consumption desires efficiently (i.e. at minimum resource cost).

Now the practitioners’ patience with mainstream economics is wearing thin. 
Unlike the academic economists, the practitioners must actually address the 
great economic questions of our time. They cannot afford to be satisfied with 
the two above-mentioned standard answers. They cannot accept that these 
questions lie outside the domain of economics, even though they have many 
important economic causes (the world economy as driver of climate change, 
economic inequalities as drivers of populism and social fragmentation, and so 
on) and many important economic consequences (climate change driving migration, 
populism leading to protectionism, and so on). Nor can the practitioners be 
content with the economists’ standard policy toolbox, since these instruments 
are obviously not overcoming the growing problems of climate change, social 
conflict, “deaths of despair,” containment of the Covid-19 pandemic, and much 

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And finally, the practitioners are no longer enamored by the mainstream 
narrative on the division of responsibilities. Consumers in their millions are 
taking an interest in the social, political and environmental consequences of 
consumption and production activities, school children are out in the streets 
in protest about climate change, international organizations are beginning to 
measure economic performance beyond GDP (such as through the OECD’s Better Life 
Index and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals), businesses are beginning to 
measure business performance beyond shareholder value (such as through 
Environmental, Social and Governance criteria along with the initiatives of the 
WEF International Business Council, the OECD Business for Inclusive Growth 
coalition, the Value Balancing Initiative, the British Academy’s Future of the 
Corporation programme), national governments are beginning to design budgets 
with regard to notions of wellbeing that extend beyond consumption of goods and 
services (such as New Zealand’ wellbeing budget). In short, the practitioners 
are not waiting for the mainstream economics profession to adjust to reality; 
instead, they are forging ahead on multiple fronts, extending the domain of 
economics to the existential challenges we face.

Intimations of Progress

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, there is a change in the air, as economics nears 
its Copernican Moment. We are gradually reaching the same sort of stunning 
realization that Copernicus must have reached before writing his revolutionary 
book “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres”: What if we can’t get there 
from here? What if incremental fixes don’t permit a major new leap in our 
understanding? What if we need to encounter the world afresh?

Fortunately, we now have access to a powerful body of thought that can guide 
this new encounter. The evolution of our natural world can be understood in 
terms of variation, replication and selection. The evolution of ideas can be 
understood in such terms as well: new ideas keep cropping up; they are 
transmitted from person to person; and the ideas that get selected to survive 
are often to be ones that enable us to navigate our environment most 
effectively. Selection can act not only on individuals, but also on groups. 
“Selfishness beats altruism within groups. Altruistic groups beat selfish 
groups. Everything else is commentary.”(E.O. Wilson and D.S. Wilson (2007), 
“Rethinking the Theoretical Foundations of Sociobiology,” Quarterly Review of 
Biology, 82(4), 327-348) The level of functional organization thus depends on 
the relative strength of within- and between-group selection.

This is a different starting point from the one underlying mainstream 
economics. The discipline of economics is based on classical physics, i.e. the 
inanimate world. Evolution, by contrast, is appropriate to the animate world. 
Not a bad point of departure for economics. After all, humans are living 
creatures. If we choose this path, economics will be reaching its Darwinian – 
not Copernican – Moment.

This is why now is probably the most exciting and fruitful time ever to become 
an aspiring economist. The Dutch philosopher Erasmus famously said, “At the 
end, you will ask yourself: What have I made of my life? That wish you wish to 
answer then, do now.” Who would not wish to be alive and active at such a 
moment, when a great contribution is waiting to be made and there is no one 
around to execute you for it?

28 December, 2020

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