I'm having problems with some podcasts on LMS 7.9.2 - it seems to be
parsing the XML fine, and shows up episodes fine, but when I select an
episode, it comes up with an error "Can't connect to server for ...
filename...". Nothing comes up in the logs however (I can see in the
logs it's handling the redirects for the media URL fine, and it's ending
with an http:// URL, which works fine in a browser or any other podcast
player). In fact, just attempting to play the media url in squeezebox
fails (again, with no error message in the logs). I've tried using curl
with a user-agent to mimic the squeezebox and it seems to work fine. Any
ideas where I could look to work out the problem? An example media URL
is http://media.emit.com/pbs/acid-country/201904111500/aac_mid.aac which
resolves to
after a redirect.

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