
I'm running LMS 7.9.1 - 1515516449 
with a Boom and a SB Radio. 
Most of my podcasts are still working but the one I recently added is
I added the podcast http://feeds.wnyc.org/thispodcasthasfleas
which I note does not have "https" 

The episodes all show up in the LMS WebUI.

However when I try to play them, either from the WebUI or the SBRadio, I
get no sound. The track timer shows 0:01 through 0:04 and then resets. I
checked the log:

    [18-01-09 21:39:11.6423] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (239) Invalid XML 
  [18-01-09 21:39:11.6428] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (266) XML/JSON parse 
error: Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-09 21:39:11.6434] Slim::Buttons::XMLBrowser::gotError (242) Error: 
While retrieving [http://feeds.wnyc.org/thispodcasthasfleas]: [Failed to parse]
  [18-01-09 21:39:15.7428] Slim::Player::Song::open (409) Error: Couldn't 
create command line for xml playback for 
  [18-01-09 21:39:23.2465] Slim::Player::Song::open (409) Error: Couldn't 
create command line for xml playback for 
  [18-01-10 16:46:11.7153] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (239) Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:11.7248] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (266) XML/JSON parse 
error: Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:24.7791] Slim::Formats::RemoteStream::open (78) Error: 
Couldn't create socket binding to  with timeout: 15 - Invalid argument
  [18-01-10 16:46:24.7794] Slim::Player::Song::open (471) Warning: stream 
failed to open 
  [18-01-10 16:46:29.9124] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (239) Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:29.9126] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (266) XML/JSON parse 
error: Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:35.4806] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (239) Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:35.4808] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (266) XML/JSON parse 
error: Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:43.1529] Slim::Formats::RemoteStream::open (78) Error: 
Couldn't create socket binding to  with timeout: 15 - Invalid argument
  [18-01-10 16:46:43.1531] Slim::Player::Song::open (471) Warning: stream 
failed to open 
  [18-01-10 16:46:49.4206] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (239) Invalid XML feed
  [18-01-10 16:46:49.4210] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (266) XML/JSON parse 
error: Invalid XML feed

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