-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of RM Risan
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 9:43 AM
To: RN Ekonomi
Subject: [RantauNet Ekonomi] Mengatasi "brain drain" di Nepal vs Sumbar

Thamel: Reducing the social, cultural and economic cost of immigration through the power of ICTf ICT



Country: NepalL I


In 1999, Nepal was still an under-performing economy, where college graduates had no way of making full use of their talents. Many left their home country and went abroad in search of jobs and a better life. Meanwhile, there were those in Nepal with little or no education. They too had brothers or sisters who went to work abroad and sent money home.


Pada tahun yang sama kodisi seperti ini juga terjadi di Sumbar, sumber daya manusia (SDM) menjadi sangat terbatas dengan berkelanjutannya para perantau meninggalkan kampung. Kemudian ditambah lagi dengan dimulainya era otonomi daerah yang menyebabkan Sumbar yang terbatas dengan sumber daya alam (energy mineral) menjadi tekor dengan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) nya.


Around this time, a group of young undergraduates came together to find a way to stop the brain-drain from Nepal and do something useful to help improve the country's economy. And so Thamel Dot Com was born. What started as an idea for a web-based business incorporating all the technical, marketing and business skills that lay dormant within these young graduates, is today providing jobs for hundreds of people and making some US1 million in revenue for the country.


Tidak lama setelah itu, RantauNet dan Imam Bonjol melakukan pemikiran yang sama yang kemudian melahirkan MI, yang kemudian banyak melakukan pertukaran pikiran yang menghasilkan impian dan idea untuk mengangkat ekonomi tidak saja di Sumbar tetapi Minang secara keseluruhan.


Thamel Dot Com started out as a web-based directory for local businesses. Initially it had limited success. Then came Dashain, the greatest festival celebrated annually in Nepal. Someone had a bright idea. An important part of the Dashain celebration is the sacrifice of a ceremonial goat (or Khasi). Unfortunately, not all can afford the expense for the goat, which brings blessings if sacrificed.


Disini, kita di media ini belum melahirkan apa yang mereka sebut dengan web-based directory of local business. Yaitu data para pelaku bisnis yang bisa kita andalkan untuk menggerakkan kegiatan ekonomi. Data ini menyangkut nama usaha, tujuan usaha dan kegiatan mereka, pemiliknya, modal yang terlibat, network bisnis mereka, dst, dst. Kita disinipun memiliki apa yang mereka sebut dengan Dashain dan Khasi, yaitu qurban dan kambing. Disana juga mereka sebutkan bahwa diawalnya usaha ini hanya menghasilkan keberhasilan yang terbatas.


Thamel decided they would provide a service where family members abroad could send the gift of a Khasi to their loved ones back home. They did this by marrying the tools of ICT, with local traditions and an existing supply chain from the Nepalese market place.

When a person orders a goat on the Thamel Dot Com website, a gift certificate is issued and delivered to the recipient in Nepal. The recipient is instructed to take the certificate to the goat market to redeem it for a Khasi of his choice.


Once the person has selected a Khasi, a digital picture is taken of him with his prized gift. This picture is then transmitted back to the gift giver as proof of delivery and as a thank you note. Through this simple process Thamel Dot Com found its niche, and built trust among the Nepalese community living abroad.


Hal ini tampaknya mudah untuk kita tiru, tetapi apabila kita ingin melibatkan volume yang banyak dan jangkauan kegiatan usaha yang luas, akan cukup kompleks. Perhatikan bagaimana, photo digital dikirimkan agar bukti transaksi telah terjadi, dan ini disertai dengan ucapan terimakasih bahwa customer sudah bersedia memperguanakan jasa kita.


This led them to build a transaction portal for Nepalese all over. Here, families can stay in touch through email or chat over the Internet. The portal provides local news, links to other related sites, and a catalogue of gifts that people could send their friends and family. The gifts of over 5,000 items are fully supplied by local business affiliates.


Kalau sudah sampai pada batas skala ekonomi seperti ini, binis portal mulai menggelinding seperti bola salju, tambah lama tambah besar. Orang bisa membeli dan menjual melalui portal yang tersedia, produk ditayangkan dengan gambar dan photo yang menarik. Semua pihak akan menikmati hasil dari usahanya, pemilik Portal mendapatkan hasilnya, begitu juga pengusaha lokal akan menerima hasil perdagangannya. Lihat saja bagaimana bisnis Yahoo, eBay, dll meloncat nilai sahamnya dalam waktu yang cepat. Kalau sebelumnya kita hanya percaya bahwa itu hanya bisa berhasil di Amerika, sekarang terbukti hal yang sama bisa saja terjadi di Nepal atau di India.


On this website, Nepalese living abroad can find information about the cheapest airline tickets to Kathmandu and even support local charities. Thamel Dot Com currently contributes over one million US dollars a year in revenue to the local economy. It is serving over 18,000 people in 25 countries; and over 500 local business affiliates in



Sudah secara kecil-kecilan kita lakukan di RantauNet, kita bicara tiket ke Padang saat ini lebih murah kalau naik Batavia, misalnya. Apakah dengan ini RantauNet, Surau atau MinangNet akan tertarik? Atau mungkin saja mereka sudah mulai dan sedang menyusun kegiatan. Kalau ya, buruan .., nanti ketinggalan.


The portal allows Nepalese living abroad to continue to be a part of their traditions and culture, while helping Nepalese at home share in the cultures of other peoples. Thamel's business affiliates -- those who are part of the supply chain -- have seen their businesses grow. A third of these affiliates have added some type of IT to their businesses; over 80 of them have established their own websites.


Urang Minang bisa mulai membangun kembali hubungan kekeluargaan mereka, meskipun berada di Jakarta, Makassar, Sydney, Tokyo, LA, atau dimana saja. Kemudian menikmati hasil usaha jarak jauh ini, sambil membantu usaha dunsanak di Kampung. Jadi kalau ada galodo yang terjadi seperti gempa, pitih urang awak ini sudah cukup tebal.


As those who had never touched a computer before are now running their businesses with ICT; there is a breaking down of the digital divide. There is also a multiplying effect taking place as more learn about ICT-based applications and businesses, which in turn is boosting the local economy. The most valuable outcome of Thamel's initiative is that many jobs have been created and the associated benefits are accruing in Nepal.


Pedagang Kaki Lima akan segera terintegrasi dengan jaringan pemasok dan pengelola usaha sehingga dagangannya lebih menarik dan tidak di palak oleh preman lagi. Tidak dalam waktu lama mereka tidak akan tetap menjadi pedagang K5 lagi. Pemasok dan Pengelola ini bisa urang awak juga yang akan memilki kemampuan usaha yang ditujang dengan perangkat usaha ber komputer.


Today, Thamel employs over 50 full-time local staff directly. During the festival seasons they add another 50 people to help with operations. They believe their affiliates have created an additional 50 new jobs as their own businesses have grown.


Even the National Bank of Nepal and the Municipality of Kathmandu have benefited and are benefiting others. This is because, as they helped Thamel meet their infrastructure needs, the Bank and the Municipality had to make certain changes within their jurisdiction. Through this collaborative educational effort with their government partners, there is now a more conducive environment for other local ICT-based applications and businesses.


Nantinya tidak hanya Minang "swasta" saja yang menikmati, Bupati dan Gubernur akan senang dan dipilih rakyat kembali, BPR dan GM akan memperoleh laba yang lebih baik dan lebih halal.


An unexpected but much valued outcome of all this is that Thamel is directly and indirectly creating new leaders for Nepal. These leaders are home-grown and their leadership benefits locals. "We are utilising the talent our country has invested in over the last thirty years," writes Bal K. Joshi (of Thamel) & Robert E. Granger (of Granger and Granger). "We are young, energetic and have a new way of looking at the possibilities for our country in the world economy. Our impact reaches beyond our business interests to the broader needs of the Nepalese community."


Secara diluar dugaan, kita akan menyaksikan impian ini berhasil dari hasil kerja menyatukan kepiawaian urang awak berdagang dan kreativitas orang muda untuk memulainya.




Ridwan M. Risan


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