Kata diplomatis dari seorang jurubicara negara besar ini mencerminkan
kebijasanaan negara tua ini. Bandingkanlah dua paragraf di bawah ini.

Dalam papatah Minang:
"Kandua nan badantiang-dantiang, tagang nan bajelo-jelo."

Mak Ngah

Filed at 10:57 a.m. EDT

By The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) -- In a low-key response, Chinese Foreign Ministry
spokesman Sun Yuxi said the government had ``taken note'' of reports
that Washington would not sell Aegis warships to Taiwan.

Sun also urged the United States to stop all arms sales to Taiwan,
 including long-range warning radar, ``so as not to obstruct the
improvement of China-U.S. relations.''

X____________________________ Sjamsir Sjarif
Indonesian Translator and Cultural Consultant
Tel. (831)-426-1333     Fax (831)-426-8907
Email:                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Page:       http://www.usindo.net/hambo

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