The majority of American voters have elected Sen. Barack Obama to be the 44th 
president of the United States of America. Coupling with brief understanding of 
the results of the House and Senate indicated quite clearly that majority of 
the American electorate voted in order to reject the eight years of Bush& 
Cheney policy. The mandate given to Sen. Obama is to reverse majority of the 
policies of the past eight years. Sen. Obama has to refresh the country, to 
reinject accountability and to institutionalize transparency. America is 
waiting to be reinvigorated. Charity has to start first at home. It is the 
responsibility of Barack administration to fulfill domestic agenda first.  
The control of the House and the Senate would greatly facilitate presidency of 
Barack Obama. It also, enhencing the ability of president Barack to legislate 
domestic agenda. 
The appointment of appropriate individuals at cabinet and advisory levels would 
at least have calming impact worldwide. Through these appointments President 
Elect Barack would signal the world about his attention to restore global 
stability that being lost for the last eight years. 
Insya' Allah, the Muslim will join hands to make the world a lot safer.   

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