
as you have probably noticed, I have created a new branch for
experimenting with RAT. The reason for creating a branch was that I
found RAT's way of emitting output plainly confusing, at least to me.
I never fully understood the system with "subject", "predicate", and
"object". In particular, it was never clear to me, how "header
sample", "license family", and so on relate. Apart from that, RAT-14
strongly asked for a semantically richer output than basically a table
with three columns.

I have now (partially) resolved this in a way that satisfies me (but
possibly others not as well): The output is now a series of "IClaim"
objects with a class hierarchy that provides the semantical
information. In particular (resolving RAT-14), running RAT will now
result in the creation of a "ClaimStatistic". This result can be
viewed on


I would now like to ask for confirmation to treat this as the base for
RAT 0.7. As I do now have a more thorough understanding, I should as
well be able to roll back most of my changes and create the
"ClaimStatistic" with comparatively minor changes. However, my feeling
is that others would share my problems in the future.

If noone else intervenes, then I'd move the current trunk to
"branches/apache-rat-project-0.6" and my private branch to the trunk.
I'd also like to use the "ClaimStatistics" to create a set of
so-called policies. Policies would be simple plugins for the RAT Maven
Plugin, which allow to configure the required behaviour quite easily.
Typical policies might be "only ASL files", "only approved licenses",
"at most 3 unknown files", and so on. This allows projects to
integrate RAT into their standard build, refusing the build, if the
policy isn't met.


I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
how to use my telephone.

    -- (Bjarne Stroustrup,
       My guess: Nokia E50)

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