I find myself incredibly lucky and fortunate to be able to do rides this 
far and this long. I have very supportive love ones and I'm lucky enough 
that I have the time to do these rides. I find out more about myself every 
time I do rides like these. For  this Populaire I learned that it was okay 
to ride for yourself. As social as cycling if you have to get somewhere you 
have to get  there under your own power(unless your riding on a tandem).  
The start of this ride turned out to almost the same as the last populaire. 
Cold, a chance of rain with a hint of fog rolling over the bridge. Great 
group of people these SF Randonneurs got to meet a handful of them from 
previous rides and a few from the Rivendell forum. Adam and Adam was there 
participating in their first rando event. Rob was there to greet everyone 
who was eager to warm up because they were freezing their booties off. 
Luckly the fog burnt off and the rest of the ride was just about perfect. 
Got to share the ride with Carlos and talked to him about touring. He's a 
lucky man to have a love one who does these types of events with him. She 
was working the finish control for that day. After the first control I got 
the ride with Esteban who portrays a typical Randonneur. Wool Jersey, 
awesome beard, self-fulfilling look of tiredness. Curious about how many 
Rando events I have to do to get a beard like his. 
Not like it matters to anyone else but me but I got to finish the ride 10 
minutes earlier then the last Populaire. I'm particularly proud of this 
because I rode my road bike on the last populaire. Goes to show you that 
the bike doesn't matter.
Felt good so decided to take the family out riding. Since I needed to stop 
by RivHQ I decided to take them riding around Shell Ridge. A quick stop by 
the shop never is quick when you end up chatting it up with everyone. Harry 
showed me his new hat (for the life of me I forget where he got it from) 
which was previously pink but turned to this awesome cream. I even got to 
ride Harry's Brompton which rides normally despite being a tiny folding 
Off on Shell Ridge the family had a great time. My father wanted to see 
what these Rivendell bike's were all about so I urged him to ride it. He 
seems natural on the bike and the learns how to ride with bar-ends in less 
then two minutes. My father being a very reserved person approves silently 
with huge grin coming down the hills of Shell Ridge. Not bad of a day to go 

Pictures Proved that the family enjoy themselves:

- Manny "It's okay to ride solo, sometimes." Acosta

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