Hi Friends,

Last year you all made great recommendations for a family bike adventure and we 
had the best time biking The Strand. It was scenic with the ocean just there, 
and there was lots of activity and also great lunch spots. I really can’t thank 
you enough!

We get a holiday on Friday, so we are planning to run away from home again and 
point our vehicle in the direction of California. We are going to hit Sea World 
for the day on Friday but Saturday is wide open. Except for our standing coffee 
date, of course (hoping for Bird Rock in La Jolla). I’m looking online at bike 
routes that would be fun, but if there are any of you who know a thing or two 
about San Diego and want to pitch your route, I’d love to hear! We will want a 
path that takes us out of traffic (like a paved path inaccessible to cars) 
since our two sons will be with us. Ocean or nature views are our jam. 

One last thing. For those of you who do not have spouses/SOs who share your 
bike passion, let me tell you there is hope. This upcoming trip is 100% my 
husband’s idea. (I actually tried to talk him out of bringing our bikes because 
I fear they will be stolen.) My husband never cared a thing for bikes, but it 
was my birthday so I got to choose our activity and I chose biking in CA. We 
rented him an ebike when we rode The Strand, and as a former motorcycle guy, he 
LOVED it. It was the perfect compromise. When we got home he found a smoking 
deal on a Pedego Intercepter. It’s so ugly. He got panniers, a speaker, and a 
phone mount and he now rides with me all over creation with the condition that 
he gets to control the playlist. Mostly, we like Saturday morning bike rides 
into town for coffee. He came home last week laden with shopping bags and 
proclaimed from the foyer, “I’ve got good news! I bought a new wardrobe for our 
Saturday coffee dates!” 😂😂😂

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