On the 7th day of April thirty one years ago I married my wife.  Or did
she marry me?  I guess it depends on who wears the pants that day.  She
was not a bicyclist to say the least.  While in college I had heard of
this new organization called Bi Centennial and they were planning a cross
country bike route.  I was riding way back then and it looked like a good
thing for myself and a few friends.  At the time I was married to wife
number one.  A nice gal.  She was going through her student teaching stuff
and really didn't want to do such a long time ride.  So I waved good bye
to my friends as they went north to start their cross country trip with
the bi centennial group.  Well she never became a rider and we parted ways
after five years of wedded bliss!  Wife number two now a mother of our son
didn't know about the orginal trip that I did not make.  So I told her I
wanted to go cross country on a bike.  Her responce was we'll have to wait
for the summer when school is out.  So we had a Jack Taylor tandem built
bought a bike trailer and started training.  We left with our 18 month old
son in tow for the best vacation I've ever had.  63 days later we were
dipping our front wheel in the Atlantic with the TV and newspaper folks
all around.  Since then my son that was in tow had to ride himself across
so we set out again when he was 15 on singles.  Turning 50 a few years
back my wife and I decided to tandem across again.  We get along better on
the road than when we are at home.  Like I said 31 years later and
planning the next trip.  When will Riv make a tandem?  Who knows, the Jack
Taylor hangs in the garage along side two Santanas and a host of other
singles.  Find a woman that rides and you will be happy the rest of your
life!  Shes also a great cook!
Keep those wheels a turnin, Steve

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