I acquired here on the list a handlebar bag setup that I have installed on 
my commuter bike.  It's a Nitto F-15 front rack ( 
http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/r8.htm ) and it came with a Baggins 
handlebar bag made to fit the rack.  

The bag has some brass loops and a couple of hooks to keep the lid closed 
with a shock cord.  The bag, however, came with no shock cord.  I have a 
bunch of shock cord on hand for repairing tent poles, so, I'm going to go 
ahead and invent my own arrangement, but I was curious if anyone can 
remember or show me what the original arrangement was supposed to be? 

The best clue I could find was this flickr photo:  


The other constraint I have is that the center leather tap thing with the 
Baggins logo has no brass ring.  My first instinct is to just do two short 
runs of cord.  Each cord will tie to two loops, and I'll stretch that cord 
over one hook.  Are there any old photos from old Readers?  None of this is 
rocket surgery, so please, no extreme efforts.  

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