*The Betty Vs The Bear*

We had just settled in for a short summer ride,

She on her Betty, and I on Saluki.

With the Lemoile on our left and woods on the right,

We pedaled along this lovely rail trail.

Often she leads at her very own pace

While I follow back, enjoying the sights,

But today she fell back, there was no race.

And I lead the way, at a pace very lite.

When up in the shadows, what did I spy?

A big burly dog, a lab, far from its home?

Considering caution, I put down a  sigh,

And waited for light, to lead me on.

The shadow moved right and as it moved

Into the woods, its massive head filled my eyes

Only then its size quite finally proved

This dog was a bear and I had been wise.

Pat, now reluctant to pedal on forward

Needed my words to help her go on.

We pedaled together, forward and toward.

She rang her bell, and I urged her on.

And when we past the dangerous spot,

I laughed at our fear and said to my love,

I thought you’d cry out, “Hey Bear,” a lot,

But she just answered, “Oh, I forgot.”


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