In searching for videorecording records via Z39.50, one finds an
astounding variety of what is where in terms of statement of
responsibility vs. production note.

Some have a long paragraph in 245/$c, and no 508.  Others make a break
in production credits, but there is no consistency in where that break
is made, or what goes which place.  Sometimes the only contribution
made by persons named in 245/$c is that they put up some money; they
did not contribute to the artistic or intellectual content.  A company
listed there may have purchased distribution rights after the film was

It seems far better to me (as well as creating a better printed book
catalogue entry or OPAC display), to combine production information in
a production note, and end the title with gmd or other title
information as the case may be.  Responsibility is as diverse for a
feature film as for an encyclopedia or serial, which usually lack
statements of responsibility.

I see many like we no longer make added entries for
production/distribution companies.  They seem as pointless to me as
entries for commercial publishers.  For anyone who does want the films
of a production or distribution company, there is anyword search.

I hope RDA videorecording physical description examples will include
DVD/VHS/Beta as part of physical description (which it clearly is) as
opposed to being in a note.

I hope RDA examples will show a united production note, and that Part
B will not call for added entries for commercial production and
distribution companies.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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