The explanation of the abbreviations can be found here:

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-------- Message d'origine--------
De: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access de la 
part de Gene Fieg
Date: sam. 2013-07-13 16:04
Objet : [RDA-L] cross ref in AACR2 : abbreviations

In the AACR2 as presented in RDA there are colored xrefs.
Where do I find what those colors mean and especially what the
abbreviations mean.  I assume that CM = Cartographic materials.

Also, what ever happened to the promise to include the index to AACR2.  It
was promised.  No there yet (Used to be found in AACR2 when AACR2 was in

Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

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