The MARC Formats Interest Group invites you to its discussion meeting at ALA 
Saturday, June 23, 2012, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Anaheim Convention Center, Room 208B

Topic: Issues in the Bibliographic Transition: Extending the Reach of Authority 

John Riemer will discuss how authority data can contribute to scholarly 
research in a linked data environment, and outline changes in practice that can 
help it play that role. Reinhold Heuvelmann will describe the German National 
Library's project to integrate the authority files of the German-speaking 
countries into a common file designed on linked data principles. Robert Pillow 
of VTLS will contribute a vendor perspective. Abstracts and biographical 
information appear below, and further information can be found at

New Prospects for Library Authority Data

Earlier this year John Riemer and Philip Schreur authored a PCC discussion 
paper proposing that NACO review the existing practice of creating 
undifferentiated name authority records. In this presentation John Riemer will 
develop some ideas about the contribution that authority data can make to 
scholarly research and argue for a shift in the way we think about the nature 
of authority work. He will propose some changes in practice that will help 
position authority data to play an expanded role in a linked data environment.

John Riemer is Head of UCLA's Cataloging & Metadata Center.  Within in the 
Program for Cooperative Cataloging, he is Chair Emeritus of the Policy 
Committee and Chair of the PCC Advisory Committee on Initiatives.

>From Authority Control to Linked Authority Data: the Gemeinsame Normdatei in 
>German Speaking Countries

This presentation will describe recently completed Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) 
project, which merged the SWD, GKD, PND, and EST authority files of the 
German-speaking countries into one integrated authority file, structured by one 
common format.  Under the influence of the Functional Requirements for 
Authority Data (FRAD), a specific focus was put on relationships and their 
coding, which may be seen as a step into the Linked Data world.  This 
presentation will explain the significance of the GND and its underlying 
concepts as a contribution to the Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative.

Reinhold Heuvelmann works in the Office for Library Standards at the German 
National Library.  He is a member of the MARC Advisory Committee, where he 
represents the German speaking countries at MARBI meetings, and is also a 
member of the MODS/MADS Editorial Committee. He played a key role in the 
changeover of German and Austrian libraries from the MAB-Format to MARC 21.

The Bibliographic Transition: a Vendor Perspective

Robert Pillow of VTLS will discuss the role of the vendor community in the 
transition to a linked data environment. While LoC's Bibliographic Framework 
Initiative is still in its infancy, a commitment to a transition is evident; 
but, do we know where that transition will take us? Many issues remain to be 
not only resolved, but in fact, discovered. Current practices need not be an 
impediment to progress.

Robert Pillow has worked in a variety of positions at VTLS in Customer 
Services, Sales and Marketing, Design & Development, and Project Management. 
His experience includes work as a Cataloger, Reference Librarian, Circulation 
Manager, ILL Manager, teaching Library Science, and service as a Library Board 
member within both academic and public libraries.

Chew Chiat Naun
University of Minnesota Libraries
160 Wilson Library
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 625-5615<tel:%28612%29%20625-5615>

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