Am 06.01.2012 10:05, schrieb Bernhard Eversberg:
Exactly. The Bibliographic Universe does not follow FRBR as its
blueprint but FRBR tries to draw a model of the universe that fits a
number of observable characteristics considered important. As any
model, it has blind spots, there are matters outside its scope.

Are aggregates our dark matter, not covered by FRBR?

No model can be perfect, and I'd be willing to accept it if the 'blind spots' were really only spots, i.e. little things with not too much impact. But if FRBR really should not be capable of modeling something as straightforward as a collection of essays or a monographic series in a way which is easily and intuitively understandable as well as helpful for real life cataloging, then I would be very worried indeed.


Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Faculty of Information and Communication
Wolframstrasse 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

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