In case anyone has mentioned this in their training material .....


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From: Program for Cooperative Cataloging [] On 
Behalf Of Beck, Melissa
Sent: March-06-13 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [PCCLIST] Access points for treaties

I heartily "third," and commend John for the substantial work he has done (and 
continues to do) in having this RDA instruction (amicably) revised.


From: Program for Cooperative Cataloging [] On 
Behalf Of Richard Amelung
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [PCCLIST] Access points for treaties

Dear all--
I heartily second John's request that these headings NOT be modified at this 
time.  At Saint Louis University Law Library we are currently holding on 
processing numerous historical treaties precisely because the headings that we 
would need to establish under RDA would offer unexpected, unrecognizable, and 
... more importantly ... user unfriendly results.

With all due respect to those who, with good intentions, crafted this section 
of RDA, AALL would like to offer some friendly amendments as John indicates.

Many thanks for your indulgence at this time.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:36 PM, John Hostage 
<<>> wrote:
I would like to enter a plea that access points for treaties not be changed to 
the form presently called for by RDA.  Law librarians find the instruction in 
RDA (access points starting with the first-named government, including for 
multilateral treaties) to be unacceptable.  The American Association of Law 
Libraries is working on a proposal to revise RDA to produce better outcomes for 
treaties.  This proposal will be submitted to ALA's CC:DA and hopefully 
forwarded to the Joint Steering Committee for RDA.  Meanwhile, existing 
authority records probably can't be changed by machine processes, and it would 
be nice if NACO members avoided changing them manually until this is settled.

Thank you.

John Hostage
Authorities and Database Integrity Librarian
Harvard Library--Information and Technical Services
Langdell Hall 194
Cambridge, MA 02138<>
+(1)(617) 495-3974<tel:%2B%281%29%28617%29%20495-3974> (voice)
+(1)(617) 496-4409<tel:%2B%281%29%28617%29%20496-4409> (fax)

Richard C. Amelung, Ph. D.
Professor of Legal Research
Associate Director, Law Library
Saint Louis University School of Law
Tel.: 314-977-2743
Fax: 314-977-3966

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