Book in hand: God's empire / Hilary M. Carey.

OCLC record: *656771606

I won't change the record in OCLC, but for our library here, we will
transform it back to AACR2.
While we are spelling out pages and illustrations, etc., I guess we forgot
to include the information that the book includes maps.  That tidbit of info
could be important to an historian reading this work, but such info is
neither in the fixed field nor in the variable one.

So, at least for this record, we will use "ill.", and "p."  When and if RDA
is approved, I hope we will not get in the habit of leaving out important
bits of info that the patron might want to know about.

Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

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