GMD was not even required at the first level of description in AACR2 (see 
1.0D1) so how could AACR2 be superior to RDA in this respect? At least in RDA, 
Content Type and Carrier Type are core.

Daniel Paradis

Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales
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De: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access de la 
part de J. McRee Elrod
Date: dim. 2013-07-07 13:19
Objet : Re: [RDA-L] Recording (large print)

Heidrun said:

>my understanding is that RDA only tells us that we can record
>the font size of resources for persons with visual impairments in this
>element, and how we should do it if we choose to. But font size is no
>core element ...

What is core for RDA, and what is core for patron needs, are two
*very* different things!  AACR2 had a qualified GMD: "text (large
print)" which worked very well.  This is but one example of AACR2's
superiority over RDA in terms of meeting patron needs, as opposed to
conforming to theory.

Possible solutions might be to have "text (large print)" or just
"large print" as RDA media content, and/or qualify the unit name:
"volume (large print)".

Certainly a non core font size note is *not* a viable solution.  Early
warning as provided by AACR2 is.

Discussions limited to RDA rule interpretation without reference to
patron needs *really* upset me, as you can probably tell.  (I just
went back and replaced shouting capitals with emphasis restricts.)

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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