RDA-L folks,


We would like to announce that RIMMF version 2 is now available for



RIMMF is available under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and
runs on Windows. The first version of RIMMF required users to register on
our wiki; we have removed that requirement now. This version includes some
very basic language support for French and German, and  fairly solid mapping
from MARC Authority Records. For those of you not familiar with RIMMF, some
brief background information is appended below.


We hope you have a chance to experiment with RIMMF and *see* how different
RDA thinking is, minus MARC; and please, if you do play with it, let us know
what you think of it. 


RIMMF Background


                As some of you already know, we (TMQ) began working on an
RDA 'Input form' about two years ago, as a visualization tool to help me
(Deborah) see how entering RDA data would work in a world without MARC. This
'input form' grew into a piece of software that we named RIMMF (RDA in Many
Metadata Formats). 


                In 2012, we began to demonstrate RIMMF to libraries and
present it at conferences. LC thought it was a suitable example of a
prototype input system for the RDA elements and relationships, and asked to
us return and present it to a large contingent of their cataloging staff as
a "Digital Future and You" presentation.


                That spring we took RIMMF on tour to 6 national libraries
and one consortium in Europe. At Summer ALA, we presented the program at the
US National Libraries RDA Forum. At ALA Midwinter earlier this year, we
presented RIMMF to the Copy Cataloging Interest Group, and to a meeting of
the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access.


                Throughout this period we have demonstrated the program to
numerous small groups in live, web-based demos, getting feedback, opinions,
advice, and the like. RIMMF has also become prominent in my Rudimentary RDA
workshop, to show how different RDA thinking will be, once we are no longer
tangled up in MARC. 


                What we have not done, until now, was send out a public
notice to this list that this software is available, but we think (hope) we
have it 'good enough' now to let you all know about it. Have fun.




-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  

Deborah Fritz

TMQ, Inc.




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