> I just did some testing and found that the "--preserve-numerical-ids"
> option does not seem to affect whether those tiny increment files get
> created.
> Case 1:
> If, in the most recent backup, a file is recorded _without_ a user name,
> then a subsequent backup run that _does_ have a UID->name mapping for
> that UID will _not_ see that as a change, and that is true regardless of
> whether the "--preserve-numerical-ids" option is used.
> Case 2:
> If the most recent backup for a file _does_ have a user name recorded,
> then a subsequent backup run that _cannot_ map that UID to a name _will_
> see that as a change and will create a tiny increment file, and that
> again is true regardless of whether the option to preserve numerical ids
> is used.

Hi Bob,

After my own tests, it seems the "--preserve-numerical-ids" option doesn't 
solve completely the problem, but however helps to shorten the backup 
With the option enabled, I have a smaller number of changed files.
>From what I see, I had files considered as changed in both Case 1 & Case 2 
without the option, and only in Case 2 with the option.
This is a little bit different from what you found during your own tests, 
but it is what I observed.

Anyway, I will thus shift one of the backup at a different time and 
problem will very probably be fixed.

Once again thanks a lot for your helpful support.

Best regards,

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