
too late for Peter's issue, but I created an example on how to avoid the issue (or at least reduce the risk):

Review welcome.

BTW, check also https://rdiff-backup.net/FAQ.html#how_to_handle_a_no_space_left_on_device_message_while_doing_a_backup

KR, Eric

On 15.11.2023 20:52, qx6uwum...@liamekaens.com wrote:
Anyone have any suggestions?

If nothing else, is there some way I could remove appropriate files
from the rdiff-backup-data directory to get my backups working again?


On 2023-11-13 13:01, Peter Canning wrote:
Here's the command I've been using, with -v 6 added, followed by the output it produced:
C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe -v 6 backup --print-statistics `
            --exclude "H:/Lightroom/Processing Catalog/Backups" `
            --exclude "H:/Lightroom/Processing Catalog/Processing Catalog Previews.lrdata" `             --exclude "H:/Lightroom/Processing Catalog/Processing Catalog-v12 Previews.lrdata" `
            "H:/Lightroom/Processing Catalog" `

C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe : WARNING: Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now
At line:1 char:1
+ C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe -v 6 backup  ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (WARNING: Previo...destination now:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

WARNING: Could not find mirror metadata file. Metadata will be read from filesystem instead Fatal Error: No metadata for time Thu Nov  9 02:35:42 2023 (1699526142) found, cannot regress * Using repository '//nas4free.local/lightroom-catalogs-backups/Lightroom-Processing-Catalog.rdiff-backup'
* Hardlinks disabled by default on Windows
* Unable to import module (py)xattr. Extended attributes not supported on filesystem at path H:/Lightroom/Processing Catalog * Unable to import module posix1e from pylibacl package. POSIX ACLs not supported on filesystem at path H:/Lightroom/Processing Catalog
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
Detected abilities for source (read only) file system:
  Access control lists                         Off
  Extended attributes                          Off
  Windows access control lists                 On
  Case sensitivity                             Off
  Escape DOS devices                           On
  Escape trailing spaces                       On
  Mac OS X style resource forks                Off
  Mac OS X Finder information                  Off
* Directories on file system at path //nas4free.local/lightroom-catalogs-backups/Lightroom-Processing-Catalog.rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.0 are not fsyncable. Assuming it's unnecessary. * Unable to import module (py)xattr. Extended attributes not supported on filesystem at path //nas4free.local/lightroom-catalogs-backups/Lightroom-Processing-Catalog.rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-ba
* Unable to import module posix1e from pylibacl package. POSIX ACLs not supported on filesystem at path //nas4free.local/lightroom-catalogs-backups/Lightroom-Processing-Catalog.rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-da
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
Detected abilities for destination (read/write) file system:
  Ownership changing                           Off
  Hard linking                                 On
  fsync() directories                          Off
  Directory inc permissions                    Off
  High-bit permissions                         On
  Symlink permissions                          Off
  Extended filenames                           On
  Windows reserved filenames                   On
  Access control lists                         Off
  Extended attributes                          Off
  Windows access control lists                 On
  Case sensitivity                             Off
  Escape DOS devices                           On
  Escape trailing spaces                       On
  Mac OS X style resource forks                Off
  Mac OS X Finder information                  Off
* Backup: escape_dos_devices = False
* Backup: escape_trailing_spaces = False
* Enabled use_compatible_timestamps
NOTE: Symbolic links excluded by default on Windows
NOTE: Regressing to date/time Thu Nov  9 02:35:42 2023
* Cleaning up

On 2023-11-13 04:57, Patrik Dufresne patrik-at-ikus-soft.com |rdiff-backup-users| wrote:
Hello Peter,

I apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced in recovering your backup after encountering space issues. Typically, rdiff-backup can handle recovery seamlessly following an increase in disk space. However, it seems
that the manual changes you made might have caused interference.

To assist you more effectively, could you please share the backup command
line you are currently using? Additionally, I recommend executing the
command with higher verbosity by adding "-v 6." This will provide more
detailed information that can help us pinpoint the issue.

In the expected scenario, rdiff-backup should detect the interruption in
the previous backup and initiate a regression of the repository to
eliminate any intermediate changes. This process is designed to restore the health of your repository. Subsequently, the backup will resume its normal

Your cooperation in providing the requested information will greatly aid us in resolving this issue promptly. If you have any questions or concerns,
please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Le lun. 13 nov. 2023, à 00 h 12,<qx6uwum...@liamekaens.com> a écrit :

Using rdiff-backup 2.2.2 on Windows 10 Pro 22H2, I have a scheduled task that runs my system backup PowerShell script at 2 AM every morning. The
script runs rdiff-backup several times to backup several different
directories. A few days ago one of the backups failed because the NAS volume containing targetdir filled up. I took some remedial steps that didn't help, but at this point I don't remember exactly what I did. I do
know that this first thing I tried, not thinking very careful, and
realizing that I had recently created some large files in sourcedir that I
didn't need any more, I deleted those files and tried doing a backup
running rdiff-backup manually (incorrectly thinking rdiff-backup would
remove some files from targetdir).  Of course since rdiff-backup is
creating incremental backups, and targetdir was still full, that backup failed too. At some point I increased the size of the NAS volume, and here is where my memory is failing me. I probably tried running rdiff-backup manually again. Either then, or shortly thereafter, I started getting "regressing destination" and then rdiff-backup failing whenever I tried to backup or verify, so I attempted to follow the instructions in FAQ item
15.  I did some other troubleshooting that I don't remember, but the
backups are still failing.

Now, running "rdiff-backup.exe backup --print-statistics ..." doesn't print the expected statistics (so I assume it didn't backup anything) and
produces the following output:

C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe : WARNING:
Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now
At line:1 char:1
+ C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe backup --pri ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (WARNING: Previo...destination
now:String) [], RemoteException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

WARNING: Could not find mirror metadata file. Metadata will be read from
filesystem instead
Fatal Error: No metadata for time Thu Nov 9 02:35:42 2023 (1699526142)
found, cannot regress
NOTE: Symbolic links excluded by default on Windows
NOTE: Regressing to date/time Thu Nov  9 02:35:42 2023

Running "rdiff-backup.exe verify ..." produces the following output:

C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe : WARNING: Two
different times for current mirror found
At line:1 char:1
+ C:\Users\pcanning\rdiff-backup-2.2.2-64\rdiff-backup.exe verify \\nas ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (WARNING: Two di...nt mirror
found:String) [], RemoteException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

WARNING: Could not find mirror metadata file. Metadata will be read from
filesystem instead
WARNING: Mirror metadata not found, reading from directory

followed by many lines saying

WARNING: Cannot find SHA1 digest for file ..., perhaps because this
feature was added in v1.1.1

and ending with the line:
NOTE: Verification found 1428 files without hash, all others could be
verified successfully

Any suggestions for how to get my backups (and verifies) working again?


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