Dear Greg and Niko.

Thank you for your quick repry.
>To Greg, thanks for your recommendation.
I tried PCA with matplotlib and it worked with no problem. Thanks.
But Matplotlib returned view that was different from R.

 >To Niko.
I using RDKit, version RDKit_2012_06_1.
And, when I tried PCA with the code, no response was returned.

KeyboardInterrupt, following message was returned.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 33, in <module>
  File "C:\RDKit_2012_06_1\rdkit\ML\Data\", line 82, in
    covMat = FormCorrelationMatrix(mat)
  File "C:\RDKit_2012_06_1\rdkit\ML\Data\", line 66, in
    sumY = sum(y)

So,  what version of RDKit are you using?
And if you don't care, could you show me some results ?


2013/1/18 Nikolas Fechner <>

>  Hi Takayuki,
> I was able to run your code snippet without any errors (with different
> example molecules of course). Could possible explain in more detail what is
> not working for you? What version of RDKit are you using (from rdkit import
> rdBase;print rdBase.rdkitVersion) ?
> Niko
> On Jan 17, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Taka Seri <> wrote:
> Dear All.
> I want to do PCA with molecular fingerprint .
> So, I wrote following code.
> But, this code did not work .
> Does anyone have a suggestion?
> Thanks.
> Takayuki
>  1 from rdkit import Chem
>  2 from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
>  3 from rdkit.ML.Data import Stats
>  4 import numpy
>  5 import sys
>  6
>  7
>  8 mols = [mol for mol in Chem.SDMolSupplier(sys.argv[1])]
>  9 fps = [AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol,2) for mol in mols]
> 10
> 11 mat = []
> 12 for fp in fps:
> 13     bits = fp.ToBitString()
> 14     bitsvec = [int(bit) for bit in bits]
> 15     mat.append(bitsvec)
> 16
> 17 mat=numpy.array(mat)
> 18 res = Stats.PrincpalComponents(mat)
> 19 print res[1]
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