Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Redundant hydrogen atoms

2017-05-28 Thread Pavel Polishchuk
I do not know the valence model of RDkit. Therefore below there is an ugly but working solution: set to the S+ atom NoImplicit. mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CC(C)(C)SC') rxn = AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts('[CH0:1][S:2][CH3:3]>>[C:1][SH0+:2].[CH3-:3]') ps = rxn.RunReactants((mol,))

[Rdkit-discuss] Redundant hydrogen atoms

2017-05-28 Thread Nitzan Tzanani
Hello, I am trying to formulate a reaction that describes a disconnection of a terminal methyl group from a sulfide while leaving two ions - [S+] and [CH3-]. Herein is my code: from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import AllChem from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors import *