Hi Charmaine,

Sorry for the slow reply.

On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 4:04 PM Charmaine Siu Man Chu <
charmaine....@liverpoolchirochem.com> wrote:

> I’m currently looking at the deprotection function within
> Chem.rdDeprotect. Is it possible to specify a specific deprotection from
> the in-built deprotection list and if so how can I go about doing that?

It is possible. The Deprotect function takes an optional second argument
with a list of deprotections to use.

Here's a simple example which collects the set of deprotections which apply
to amines and then applies them to a molecule:

only_amines = [x for x in rdDeprotect.GetDeprotections() if
deprotected_mol = rdDeprotect.Deprotect(mol,only_amines)

And here's the result of that:
[image: image.png]

Best regards,
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