I am very happy to announce that I finally managed to include the
rdkit RPM package in the official Fedora repositories[1]

This means if you are a Fedora 23 (and above) user you will be able to
install rdkit with a simple:

dnf install rdkit

Please remember, if you want to use the python bindings you will need
to install python2-rdkit (or python3-rdkit for py3 users) while the
PostgreSQL cartridge is provided by the package rdkit-postgresql.
On the other hand, to develop against the C++ API you will need to
install rdkit-devel

Technically, there will be a delay for the packages to appear in the
stable repos; in the meanwhile, you can use a command like:

dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing install python2-rdkit

to get them from the testing repository

For any question about the packages, feel free to contact me.



[1] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/rpms/rdkit/

Gianluca Sforna

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Tinker Garage - http://tinkergarage.it

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