Dear Rafal,

On 22/04/2016 17:15, Rafal Roszak wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to find:
> A) "global minimum" [*] for given compound(s) and
> B) (for the same compound) minimum with constraint(s) (e.g. frozen
> angle)
> For problem A) I tried folowing code:
> self.MOLEC=Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES)
> self.MOLEC=Chem.AddHs(self.MOLEC)
> allconf=Chem.rdDistGeom.EmbedMultipleConfs(self.MOLEC,
> numConfs=HowMany, enforceChirality=True, pruneRmsThresh=limitRMS) for
> confId in range(len(allconf)): AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(self.MOLEC,
> maxIters=12540, confId=confId) self.ff =
> AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(self.MOLEC) energy_value = str
> (self.ff.CalcEnergy()) print (energy_value)
Here you do generate and optimize many conformations, but then you 
retrieve the force-field with UFFGetMoleculeForceField() always for 
conformation -1 (the default), hence you get the same energy.
I slightly modified your script (see below) to actually generate a few 
dozens of diverse conformations:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import rdkit
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

SMILES = 'CCOCCn1c(C2CC[NH+](CCc3ccc(C(C)(C)C(=O)[O-])cc3)CC2)nc2ccccc21'
HowMany = 100
limitRMS = 2.0

mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES)
mol = AllChem.AddHs(mol)
allconf = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(mol,
   numConfs = HowMany, enforceChirality=True, pruneRmsThresh = limitRMS)
w = Chem.SDWriter(sys.stdout)
for confId in allconf:
   ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(mol, confId = confId)
   energy_value = ff.CalcEnergy()
   mol.SetProp('ENERGY', '{0:.2f}'.format(energy_value))
   w.write(mol, confId = confId)

> No matter what values are used for the numConfs or pruneRmsThresh after
> optimization I end up in conformer(s) with the same energy. The energy
> value vary from one run to another. In other words EmbedMultipleConfs()
> generate random structure (that make sense to me) but all conformation
> are very similar - after optimization all fall into one structure. Is
> it bug or feature? :) How effectively generate set of _different_
> conformation? I found two solution: a) execute presented above code
> multiple times b) set dihedral angle to unnatural value (using
> Chem.rdMolTransforms.SetDihedralDeg() function) for selected dihedral
> angle and then minimize structure Both works but seems to me that both
> are not optimal.
> For problem B:
> I want to minimize structure with frozen dihedral angle. I set the
> angle value using Chem.rdMolTransforms.SetDihedralDeg I could not find
> any possibility to freeze angle so I used
> rdForceField.ForceField.MMFFAddTorsionConstraint function. with very
> high forceConstant (relative=True minDihedralDeg=-5, maxDihedralDeg=5,
> forceConstant=9999999.9). The code is as follow:
> conformers=Chem.rdDistGeom.EmbedMultipleConfs(self.MOLEC,numConfs=confNum, 
> enforceChirality=enforceChirality,numThreads=numThreads, 
> pruneRmsThresh=RMSThreshold)
> for confId in range(len(conformers)):
>       ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(self.MOLEC, confId=confId)
>          rdForceField.ForceField.MMFFAddTorsionConstraint( ff, idx0, idx1, 
> idx2, idx3, True, minDihedralDeg=-5, maxDihedralDeg=5, 
> forceConstant=9999999.9)
>       Chem.rdMolTransforms.SetDihedralDeg(self.MOLEC.GetConformer(confId), 
> idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, 0.0 )
>       AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(self.MOLEC, maxIters=12540, confId=confId)
> but it does not work - i end up in structure with dihedral value far from 
> this which was set. How can I force optimization with defined value (or some 
> range of values)? In other words what I am doing wrong?
The problem here is that you are setting the constraint in MMFF and then 
use UFF for minimization; furthermore MMFFAddTorsionConstraint() and 
UFFAddTorsionConstraint() are member functions of the respective 
force-fields. Please find below a sample script which should do what you 
describe; here I read the value of the dihedral before and after 
minimization, to verify that it is actually frozen.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import rdkit
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

SMILES = 'CCOCCn1c(C2CC[NH+](CCc3ccc(C(C)(C)C(=O)[O-])cc3)CC2)nc2ccccc21'
HowMany = 100
limitRMS = 2.0

mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES)
mol = AllChem.AddHs(mol)
tors = mol.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts('cCC[NH+]'))
allconf = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(mol,
   numConfs = HowMany, enforceChirality=True, pruneRmsThresh = limitRMS)
w = Chem.SDWriter(sys.stdout)
for confId in allconf:
   ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(mol, confId = confId)
   before = AllChem.GetDihedralDeg(mol.GetConformer(confId),
       tors[0], tors[1], tors[2], tors[3])
   ff.UFFAddTorsionConstraint(tors[0], tors[1], tors[2], tors[3],
     True, -5, 5, 9999)
   energy_value = ff.CalcEnergy()
   after = AllChem.GetDihedralDeg(mol.GetConformer(confId),
       tors[0], tors[1], tors[2], tors[3])
   mol.SetProp('DIHEDRAL', '{0:.2f},{1:.2f}'.format \
     (before, after))
   mol.SetProp('ENERGY', '{0:.2f}'.format(energy_value))
   w.write(mol, confId = confId)

Kind regards,

> Regards,
> Rafal
> [*] Yes I aware that it is very complex task to find a true global
> minima but I only want to find reasonably good/stable conformer, that
> why I wrote "global minimum"
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