Re: [Rdkit-discuss] raw RMSD matrix of docking poses

2015-07-29 Thread Paolo Tosco
Dear Jose Manuel, I found a script on my hard disk which should do what you describe. Syntax is ./ [-r] [-s] refFile.sdf prbFIle.sdf The -r option triggers the computation in place, i.e., without realigning poses. The -s option triggers consideration of symmetric atoms when doing

[Rdkit-discuss] raw RMSD matrix of docking poses

2015-07-29 Thread Jose Manuel Gally
Dear RDKit communauty, I would like to compute the raw RMSD matrix (without alignment) between docking poses of the same ligand from a SDF. However, upon reading the SDF with a SDMolSupplier, poses are stored into different Molecule objects, each one with one conformer only, whereas the