Hey Bob-O,

I agree. I primarily promote US made goods. In our retail store we sell Trojan, 
Crown, Deka, Sun Xtender, Lifeline, Rolls and US Battery...and now, one from 

For over two years RV customers would come in looking for a competitive quote 
for the Fullriver battery because that is what a major competitor sells. When I 
would tell them, "No, we don't sell the China made batteries but we do have 
several high quality US made batteries... and they only cost $70 more for EACH 
BATTERY. BTW, they don't have as good a warranty", I would loose that customer. 

Not only would I loose the battery sale but they were usually looking for a 
complete PV solar and inverter package to be installed. $6000 just walked out 
the door. I did not get the chance to sell any other US made parts and 
equipment that I choose to stock. The customer went back to XYZ Quartzsite 
solar store and bought a whole RV load of cheap China crap that will need 
replacing soon. Also the installation is likely to be a rolling fire hazard.

So I did some investigating and found that the Fullriver is one of those rare, 
very well made, China products. Did I cave in and sell out the USA? Now that 
you know my position I'll let you decide. 

Life's a bitch sometimes.

Larry Crutcher
Starlight Solar Power Systems

On Jun 29, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Bob-O Schultze wrote:

> Need we mention here that Fullriver batteries are made in China as are so 
> many of the PVs flooding the market these days? Honestly folks, we are 
> killing our own industry. 
> Hark ye back to the words of the Prophet Pogo: "We have met the enemy and he 
> is us."
> Bob-O
> On Jun 29, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar Power Systems 
> wrote:
> Hello William,
> We had a great first year sales with Fullriver. It is still too soon for me 
> to have a proficient opinion on them, but I really like the quality and 
> performance so far. The M8 threaded insert in Fullriver (and Lifeline) have 
> never given us any trouble but you must pay attention to the torque value. 
> Available in 2 and 6 volt. BTW, you can remove the Fullriver brass terminal 
> to lower the height of your connection if needed. 
> The MK are made by Deka so you might check with them for a different terminal 
> config.
> Terminal torque guide: 
> http://www.fullriver.com/products/admin/upfile/Terminaltorque.pdf
> Larry Crutcher
> Starlight Solar Power Systems
> 11871 S Fortuna Road, #210
> Yuma, AZ 85367
> la...@starlightsolar.com
> (928) 342-9103

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